
I will conduct myself in a professional manner with regard to all aspects of the sport of surfing and my sponsor’s products.

I will wear and use my sponsor’s products with pride and be available to promote these products with integrity.

I will stay in frequent contact with sponsors and send press clippings, contest results and updates on my progress.

I will offer product feedback, marketing suggestions and alert you to any problems and / or any praise regarding your product in the field.

I will do my best to build and maintain a strong, professional mutually satisfying relationship with you and your research staff.

For the mutual benefit of all of us that have a stake in the sport I believe that product designers, promoters , sales reps and surfers must form a strong alliancee to increase the popularity, appreciation and recognition the sport deserves. For this reason I give my word to uphold these statements above with the greatest enthusiasm.

Ryan Ragan

Final Thoughts

While competing at each of the contests I go to I am able to promote my sponsors & their products to some of the most famous competitors in some of the most exciting locations in the world on tour! I can give a great deal of visibility to spectators, other sponsors / companies and the public on how my sponsors are doing with product development & educate interested parties in what we are all about. I will be making an effort throughout my travels to promote my sponsors and myself!


I also feel strongly that advertising and working with me in Surfing and Surfer magazines and my sponsors and myself appearing at Surf Expo’s / action sports retailer shows could help tremendously to promote my sponsors companies and myself to the industry and shop owners and the general public. This in turn all leads to sales and opening new accounts.